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Rolling Stone: Better Than Revenge: Swifties Help Expose Ticketmaster’s Monopoly | Commentary

Anti-Monopoly Policies & Enforcement

November 23, 2022 — In Rolling Stone, Economic Liberties' Senior Policy Analyst Krista Brown explains what Live Nation-Ticketmaster's rise to dominance means for fans, how they abuse their market power, and why it's so important for enforcers to break them up.

Morgan’s Monopoly Digest – November 2022

Anti-Monopoly Policies & EnforcementCompetition Policy Digest

November 17, 2022 — November version of Economic Liberties' monthly newsletter that covers the latest with the federal antitrust agencies — the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice's Antitrust Division — and other big developments in competition policy.

Scientific American: The International Community Must Prioritize COVID Treatment and Test Access | Opinion


November 14, 2022 — In Scientific American, Rethink Trade Director Lori Wallach and Joseph Stiglitz urge the international trade community to make COVID-19 treatments and tests more accessible.

Amicus Brief: U.S. v. United States Sugar Corporation, et. al

Amicus BriefAnti-Monopoly Policies & Enforcement

November 8, 2022 — The American Economic Liberties Project filed an amicus brief in support of the U.S. Department of Justice’s appeal of the district court decision to allow U.S. Sugar Corporations’ $350 million acquisition of rival Imperial Sugar Company. The brief argues that that the acquisition cannot be sustained under the incipiency standard created by Section 7 of the Clayton Act, in both the regional and national markets proposed by the parties.

How Antitrust Enforcers Helped Create a Live Events Monster

Anti-Monopoly Policies & Enforcement

October 19, 2022 — "How Antitrust Enforcers Helped Create a Live Events Monster" explains how the merger between Live Nation and Ticketmaster highlights the failures of the light-touch approach to antitrust and merger enforcement. The policy brief lays out how and why present day enforcers must redress this — and other — mistakes.

Morgan’s Monopoly Digest – October 2022

Anti-Monopoly Policies & EnforcementCompetition Policy Digest

October 13, 2022 — October version of Economic Liberties' monthly newsletter that covers the latest with the federal antitrust agencies — the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice's Antitrust Division — and other big developments in competition policy.