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Big Tech Guide for State Lawmakers: Tax Digital Ad Revenue

State and Local PolicyTech

September 13, 2022 (updated) — "Tax Digital Ad Revenue" is part seven of "Tools for Taking on Big Tech’s Economic Power: A Guide for State Lawmakers."

Big Tech Guide for State Lawmakers: Adopt a “Right to Repair” Law for Consumer Electronics

State and Local PolicyTech

September 13, 2022 (updated) — "Adopt a 'Right to Repair' Law for Consumer Electronics" is part six of "Tools for Taking on Big Tech’s Economic Power: A Guide for State Lawmakers."

Tools for Taking On the Corporate Subsidy Machine: Make the Application and Approval Process Public

State and Local Policy

September 13, 2022 — "Make the Application and Approval Process Public" is part six of "Tools for Taking On the Corporate Subsidy Machine: A Guide for State Lawmakers."

Big Tech Guide for State Lawmakers: Cap Delivery App Corporation Fees and Ban Abusive Tactics That Harm Restaurants

State and Local PolicyTech

September 13, 2022 (updated) — "Cap Delivery App Corporation Fees and Ban Abusive Tactics That Harm Restaurants" is part five of "Tools for Taking on Big Tech’s Economic Power: A Guide for State Lawmakers."

Tools for Taking On the Corporate Subsidy Machine: Ban Intrastate Job Piracy

State and Local Policy

September 13, 2022 — "Ban Intrastate Job Piracy" is part five of "Tools for Taking On the Corporate Subsidy Machine: A Guide for State Lawmakers."

Tools for Reforming Antitrust Policy: Reinvigorate State Enforcement of Mergers with Premerger Notification, Enhanced Remedies, and Increased Funding for Antitrust Enforcement

State and Local Policy

September 13, 2022 — “Reinvigorate State Enforcement of Mergers with Premerger Notification, Enhanced Remedies, and Increased Funding for Antitrust Enforcement” is part five of "Tools for Reforming Antitrust Policy: A Guide for State Lawmakers to Challenge Corporate Power.”