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ProMarket: Mergers and Smoking Guns

Anti-Monopoly Policies & Enforcement

May 13, 2022 — In 1980, Richard Posner and George Stigler drafted a memo to help the Reagan admin “throttle back” antitrust enforcement. As Economic Liberties’ Research Manager & Editor Erik Peinert details for ProMarket, “it gets to the heart of current debates about the direction of antitrust.”

National Post: Canada has lagged on policing Big Tech. That may be about to change.


May 11, 2022 — In National Post, Economic Liberties’ Senior Fellow Denise Hearn and McMaster University’s Vass Bednar discuss Canada’s opportunity to join other countries in taking key steps to rein in Big Tech firms' dominance.

Why the 21st Century Antitrust Act is Critical for New York Workers

LaborState and Local Policy

May 10, 2022 — The New Yorkers for a Fair Economy coalition released a report that reveals a striking correlation between declining wages within the warehouse and delivery industry and the growth of Amazon’s dominance in New York State.

A New Era: A Stronger FTC to Defend Working Families and Honest Businesses

Anti-Monopoly Policies & Enforcement

May 3, 2022 (Updated) — "A New Era" details how the Federal Trade Commission, led by Chair Lina Khan, is engaging in more effective, modern, and democratic enforcement to better protect consumers, workers, and independent businesses.

The American Prospect: A Community Hospital in Deep-Red Wyoming


April 27, 2022 — In The American Prospect, Economic Liberties’ Senior Fellow Moe Tkacik penned an essay about how one community in rural Wyoming is trying to fight back against PE giant Apollo’s destruction of their hospitals and broader community.

Stakeholder Capitalism’s Next Frontier: Pro- or Anti-monopoly?

Anti-Monopoly Policies & Enforcement

April 27, 2022 — “Stakeholder Capitalism’s Next Frontier: Pro- or Anti-Monopoly?” provides a detailed examination of the growing stakeholder capitalism movement and argues that its failure to embrace anti-monopoly principles is undermining its own objectives.