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Letter to Congress: AbbVie and Predecessors’ Long History of Illegal Generic Delay


May 17, 2021 — Economic Liberties submitted testimony to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform that exposes AbbVie and its predecessors' long history of illegally delaying generic pharmaceuticals.

The Daily Beast: Facebook’s Toothless, Authoritarian ‘Oversight Board’ Is Downright Trumpy

Anti-Monopoly Policies & EnforcementTech

May 5, 2021 — In a feature piece for the The Daily Beast, Economic Liberties’ Steering Committee member Zephyr Teachout explained the fundamental failings of the Facebook Oversight Board and why breaking up Facebook is key to addressing its extreme power.

Mic: How tax prep companies conspired to make filing your taxes so damn hard


May 4, 2021 — In a tax-day essay for Mic, Economic Liberties’ State and Local Policy Director Pat Garofalo explained how Intuit and HR&Block took over the online tax filing market, and stymied efforts to build a free filing system for most Americans.

Myth vs Fact on Big Tech Monopolies


May 3, 2021 — “Myth vs Fact on Big Tech Monopolies” catalogues many of the misleading arguments Amazon, Facebook and Google make to mislead policymakers about their lines of business.

The Truth About Google, Facebook, and Small Businesses


May 3, 2021 — “The Truth About Google, Facebook, and Small Businesses" exposes the ways Google and Facebook prey on small businesses and inspire terror across the commercial landscape.

Public Seminar: Foxconn, Take Two

Government ContractingState and Local Policy

April 28, 2021 — In an essay for Public Seminar, Economic Liberties’ State and Local Policy Direct Pat Garofalo dug into Wisconsin’s latest deal with Foxconn, and explained why states must stop offering sweetheart deals to corporations.