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The American Prospect: The National-Security Case for Decarbonization

National Security

February 10, 2021 — Economic Liberties’ Director of National Security Policy Lucas Kunce explained why abandoning fossil fuels is key to shoring up national security in a feature piece for The American Prospect.

Democratizing Markets: How the Biden Administration Can Advance an Antitrust and Competition Policy Agenda for Working People, Independent Businesses and Resilient Communities

Anti-Monopoly Policies & EnforcementCourage to Learn

February 8, 2021 — Democratizing Markets is a comprehensive antitrust and competition policy agenda to support working people, independent businesses and resilient communities.

The Guardian: At last, the regime that enabled Amazon’s monopoly power is crumbling

Anti-Monopoly Policies & EnforcementTech

February 4, 2021 — Hours after Jeff Bezos announced he would be stepping down as Amazon CEO, Economic Liberties’ Matt Stoller detailed regulators growing efforts to rein in the corporate monopoly in an exclusive piece for The Guardian.

Public Seminar: Break Up the Tech Monopoly


February 3, 2021 — In Public Seminar, Economic Liberties’ State and Local Policy Director Pat Garofalo explained why breaking up Google and Facebook, restricting their targeted ads business structure and removing their liability shield will help save local journalism.

How To Prevent the Next Social Media-Driven Attack On Democracy—and Avoid a Big Tech Censorship Regime


February 3, 2021 — “How To Prevent the Next Social Media-Driven Attack On Democracy—and Avoid a Big Tech Censorship Regime" explains why confronting the gatekeeping power and corrupt profit motives of social media platforms is key to addressing online extremism.

ProMarket: How Wall Street Is Devastating Our National Security

Anti-Monopoly Policies & EnforcementNational Security

January 28, 2021 — In a new op-ed for ProMarket, Economic Liberties’ Director of National Security Policy Lucas Kunce detailed why even the Pentagon now realizes that Wall Street’s insatiable appetite for easy profits and love of monopoly is a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States.