Politico Morning Tech: Apple-Epic showdown begins with scuffle over witness
May 3, 2021 — Politico Morning Tech featured new policy papers from Economic Liberties that debunk some of the major claims that Facebook, Apple, Google and Amazon have made in their antitrust battles.
Bloomberg CityLab: Albuquerque Is Winning the Streaming Wars
May 3, 2021 — In an interview with Bloomberg’s City Lab, Economic Liberties’ State and Local Policy Director Pat Garofalo explained why cities and states should stop using corporate subsidies.
CBC Radio: Epic Games and Apple are heading to court. Experts say the case could mean big changes for consumers
May 3, 2021 — CBC Radio turned to Economic Liberties’ Executive Director Sarah Miller to discuss the ways Big Tech corporates use their market power to choke businesses and consumers.
Economic Liberties Releases Two New Quick Takes Exposing Big Tech’s Spin
May 3, 2021—Economic Liberties released two new policy quick takes: “The Truth About Google, Facebook, and Small Businesses” and “Myth vs Fact on Big Tech Monopolies.” The briefs explain how Facebook, Google, and Amazon prey on small businesses as a matter of course, while simultaneously relying on them as props in their PR and lobbying campaigns.
BBC: Apple to face Epic Games in court
May 2, 2021— As the Epic Games vs. Apple case unfolds, BBC turned to Economic Liberties’ Research Director Matt Stoller to understand what’s at stake and how this case impact Apple’s app store monopoly.