Meta Deploys a Typical Monopolist Tactic to Declare Enforcement and Accountability Unconstitutional
November 30, 2023 — The American Economic Liberties Project released the following statement after Meta filed a lawsuit against the Federal Trade Commission, claiming “fundamental aspects of the Commission’s structure violate the U.S. Constitution.”
Cigna-Humana Deal Would Be an Outrageous Consolidation of Market Power
November 29, 2023 — In response to news of merger talks between health insurance giants Cigna and Humana, the American Economic Liberties Project released the following statement.
FTC and CA AG Work to Protect Patients From Further Hospital Consolidation With Latest Suit
November 17, 2023 — In response to news that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) — working closely with the California Attorney General’s office — has sued to block John Muir Health’s proposed $142.5 million acquisition of San Ramon Regional Medical Center, LLC, the American Economic Liberties Project released the following statement.
The Google Search Trial is Adjourned, But We Shouldn’t Expect a Ruling Until Summer 2024
November 17, 2023 — Economic Liberties provides some closing thoughts as the Google Search trial holds its last witness before closing arguments next spring.
New Policy Brief Reveals How State & Local Lawmakers Can Fight Back Against Amazon
November 16, 2023 — A new policy brief released today by the American Economic Liberties Project explains how Amazon maintains its monopoly power, stifles local businesses, and harms local economies—and what state lawmakers can do to fight back. The policy brief, featured in a new op-ed from Pat Garofalo in the Chicago Sun Times today, comes amid ongoing legal challenges and growing public scrutiny over Amazon's unfair business practices.