For press requests, please contact Jimmy Wyderko at or 301-221-7778.

Economic Liberties Welcomes Founder Sarah Miller as a Member of the Organization’s Board of Directors

February 18, 2025 -- The American Economic Liberties Project today announced that its founder and original Executive Director Sarah Miller, who most recently served as the Chief of Staff at the Federal Trade Commission, will return to the organization as a member of its Board of Directors. 

Cost of Living Crisis Will Continue With the Fed Asleep at the Wheel and the Effective Shutdown of Enforcers Like the CFPB

February 12, 2025 — Following new Consumer Price Index (CPI) data indicating that inflation is reaccelerating across the country, rising at a rate 0.5% in January and 3% over the past 12 months, the American Economic Liberties Project released the following statement. 

Economic Liberties Applauds Long-Overdue Merger Filing Reforms Taking Effect

February 7, 2025 — Today at 5 pm EST, merging firms must submit a new filing form to antitrust agencies. In October, the FTC and Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division finalized a new rule for the Hart Scott Rodino form — a key pre-merger filing document that has not been updated since 1978 — to modernize and streamline the merger review process. The American Economic Liberties Project released the following statement.

Trump Reverses Tariff Order, Reopening De Minimis Trade Loophole for Millions of Daily Duty-Free Import Shipments from China After Meeting with FedEx CEO

February 7, 2025 — Rethink Trade today condemned President Trump’s reopening of a major trade enforcement loophole that will allow millions of import shipments arriving daily from China to evade inspection and Trump’s new 10% China tariffs as well as the 20% tariffs he imposed in 2018 on two-thirds of all Chinese imports.

Bessent’s Block of CFPB’s Medical Debt Rule Will Trap 15 Million Americans Under Unfair Credit Penalties

February 4, 2025 — In response to news that Senators Josh Hawley and Bernie Sanders have introduced a bipartisan bill to cap credit card interest rates at 10 percent—fulfilling a campaign pledge made by President Trump—the American Economic Liberties Project released the following statement.