For press requests, please contact Jimmy Wyderko at or 301-221-7778.

The American Prospect: Boeing’s Lobbying Blitz

December 16, 2022 — Economic Liberties' Senior Fellow for Aviation & Travel Bill McGee talked with The American Prospect about Boeing's attempt to extend a safety deadline, which was set by Congress two years ago.

CNN: Airlines Pulling Back on Perks as Travel Demand Surges

December 16, 2022 — Economic Liberties' Senior Fellow for Aviation & Travel Bill McGee joined CNN to discuss frequent flyer programs.

Schumer’s Legacy is On the Line

December 16, 2022 — The American Economic Liberties Project released the following statement as Senate leadership negotiates a legislative framework for the omnibus spending bill.

Serial Acquisitions Are Every Bit As Corrosive As Big, High Profile Mergers

December 15, 2022 — The American Economic Liberties Project released a new report, “The Roll-up Economy: The Business of Consolidating Industries With Serial Acquisitions,” today, which examines how repeated small acquisitions lead to industry consolidation and can harm consumers, suppliers, workers and competition itself.