For press requests, please contact Jimmy Wyderko at or 301-221-7778.

New York’s Efforts to Ban Secret Deals Will Bring Transparency and Accountability

May 18, 2022 — Ban Secret Deals, a coalition of national and state-based policy and advocacy partners fighting to bring accountability and transparency to state and local economic development, today applauded New York state senators for passing S1196, legislation that prohibits the use of non-disclosure agreements in economic development deals.

Smart Trade Policy is Key to Rebuilding Domestic Solar Capacity

May 16, 2022 — The American Economic Liberties Project released the following statement after E&E news reported that Korean solar corporation Hanwha Qcells, in response to the Biden Commerce Department’s investigation of whether Chinese exporters are circumventing U.S. trade law by moving solar components through third party countries, will dramatically ramp up production at its Georgia plant, bring its total output to 3 gigawatts of solar.

Ban Secret Deals Coalition Launches to Bring Accountability and Transparency to State and Local Economic Development Deals

March 31, 2022 — Today, a coalition of national and state-based policy and advocacy partners from across the political spectrum are launching the Ban Secret Deals campaign. Calling for state-level bans against the use of non-disclosure agreements in economic development deals, the Ban Secret Deals campaign features a website spotlighting bad deals, a petition for the public to support bills that ban the practice, and a tool to help the public report new secret deals in their communities.

Illinois Bill to Rein in Apple and Google’s App Store Power is Pro-Business and Pro-Consumer

January 19, 2022 — The American Economic Liberties Project released the following statement after the introduction of the Freedom to Subscribe Directly Act (HB4599/SB3417) in the Illinois Assembly. The bill would rein in Apple and Google’s power by requiring them to allow Illinois app developers to use alternative payments systems and engage in direct communication with customers through their app stores.

Economic Liberties Joins New York Labor Unions, Small Businesses, Community Organizations Form New Coalition, Call for Legislation to Combat Corporate Power in NY

November 9, 2021 — Economic Liberties joined labor organizations, small business owners, and community organizations for a rally outside an Amazon bookstore and offices to launch a new statewide coalition, New Yorkers for a Fair Economy (NYFE), which aims to hold powerful corporations like Amazon, Walmart, Facebook, Apple, and Google accountable for their abusive practices against workers, small businesses, and communities.