Whether it’s fighting for small businesses abused by Amazon and other gatekeepers, standing up for farmers and farm workers exploited by agriculture conglomerates, or protecting our privacy and the free press from information monopolies like Facebook and Google, we’re working to advance ideas and create momentum to break the power of the world’s most dangerous monopolies and return it to where it belongs — with all of us.
Join us in our fight.
Digital Communications Associate
Research Intern
Economic Liberties seeks a Research Intern to support the research team. Ideal candidates will have exceptional research and teamwork skills, an interest in antitrust and antimonopoly issues, and an awareness of the day-to-day developments in U.S. competition policy. Learn more and apply here.
Rethink Trade Program Associate
Rethink Trade seeks a Program Associate to support members of the Rethink Trade team. This position is involved in all aspects of Rethink Trade’s work and provides a bird’s eye view of congressional, executive branch, and press activities as well as regular contact with diverse coalition partners in the United States and around the world. Learn more and apply here.
Keep in Touch
If you’re interested in working with Economic Liberties, please reach out at jobs@economicliberties.us.