BeatSeeker: The Fight to Break Up Ticketmaster
February 6, 2023 — Economic Liberties' Senior Policy Analyst Krista Brown joined BeatSeeker to discuss the fight to break up Ticketmaster.
The Hollywood Reporter: Meta Won Approval to Buy a Virtual Reality App, But FTC Laid Groundwork to Halt Big Tech’s Next Deal
February 6, 2023 — Economic Liberties' Legal Counsel Lee Hepner talked with The Hollywood Reporter about the outcome of the FTC's suit to block Meta's acquisition of Within.
Gizmodo: FTC Admits Defeat in Antitrust Battle With Facebook
February 6, 2023 — Economic Liberties' Legal Counsel Lee Hepner spoke with Gizmodo about the FTC's challenge against Meta-Within.
Business Insider: Arizona’s terrible NHL team is begging voters for $200 million to build a permanent home, but stadiums are consistently huge money pits
February 6, 2023 — Economic Liberties Director of State & Local Policy Pat Garofalo spoke with Business Insider about the latest professional sports team begging for taxpayer money to build a stadium.
FT: Letting the public decide is key to Big Tech regulation
February 5, 2023 — Economic Liberties' Research Director Matt Stoller talked with Financial Times about the Department of Justice's Google digital ad suit.