Consumers’ Checkbook: New Proposed Rule Would Require Airlines to Disclose the ‘True Cost’ of Tickets, Including Fees
October 4, 2022 — Economic Liberties' Senior Fellow for Aviation & Travel Bill McGee spoke with Consumers' Checkbook about a new rule that USDOT is considering that would bring transparency to airline fees.
The Heartland POD: Episode 233, Pat Garofalo with American Economic Liberties Project
October 4, 2022 — Economic Liberties' Director of State & Local Policy Pat Garofalo joined The Heartland POD to discuss the recent victories of the anti-monopoly movement.
Travel Weekly: DOT fees-disclosure plan met with widespread opposition
October 2, 2022 — Economic Liberties' Senior Fellow for Aviation & Travel Bill McGee explained to Travel Weekly why USDOT's latest proposed rule on airline fee transparency does not go far enough.
The Boston Globe: Badly treated air travelers need a new advocate. Make that 50 new advocates.
October 2, 2022 — Citing Economic Liberties' model legislation and Senior Fellow for Aviation & Travel Bill McGee, The Boston Globe's Editorial Board explains why we must expand enforcement authority over the airlines to policymakers outside of USDOT.
Gizmodo: Elizabeth Warren Wants the FTC to Stop Amazon’s $1.7 Billion iRobot Acquisition
September 29, 2022 — After six U.S. Senators sent a letter to the FTC urging them to block Amazon's acquisition of iRobot, Gizmodo turned to Economic Liberties' Senior Policy Analyst Krista Brown for her thoughts on the deal.