NBC News: Injuries at meatpacking-related company are too high, even as private equities profit, advocates say
April 6, 2022 — Economic Liberties’ Research Director Matt Stoller set the record straight on private equity firms’ lack of concern about worker safety for NBC News.
Investigative Post: WNY tops the list of most wasteful subsidies
April 4, 2022 — Investigative Post dug in on some of the worst corporate subsidy deals mentioned in Economic Liberties’ “The Dirtiest Dozen” report.
Fast Company: How companies like Amazon and Facebook fleece communities out of billions
March 31, 2022 — Following the launch of the Ban Secret Deals coalition, Fast Company laid out how non-disclosure agreements in economic development deals are extracting taxpayer money from communities and why they must be stopped.
Common Dreams: ‘Their Inflation Strategy Is Working’: Corporate Profits Soared to Record High in 2021
March 31, 2022 — Common Dreams cited Economic Liberties’ commentary on new reporting from The Guarding that found that showed corporate power is making inflation worse.
POLITICO Morning Tech: FCC (finally) faces House lawmakers
March 31, 2022 — POLITICO Morning Tech covered the launch of the Ban Secret Deals coalition.