For press requests, please contact Jimmy Wyderko at or 301-221-7778.

President Biden Throws Out Junk Fees In Third Competition Council Meeting

September 26, 2022 — The American Economic Liberties Project released the following statement in response to policy announcements made today at the third meeting of the White House Competition Council. At the meeting, President Biden directed leaders in every agency to examine unfair fee and pricing practices across the economy.

In Hopeful Moment for Future of Local & Independent Journalism, JCPA Advances in Senate

September 22, 2022 — Following the Senate Judiciary Committee’s vote today to advance the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA), a bill that would allow journalism providers to bargain with digital platforms for compensation for content, the American Economic Liberties Project released the following statement. 

Enforcers Can Protect Small Businesses by Reviving and Expanding the Robinson-Patman Act

September 21, 2022 — As antitrust enforcers accelerate efforts to end the corporate abuse of small businesses, the American Economic Liberties Project released a new report, “Price Discrimination and Power Buyers: Why Giant Retailers Dominate the Economy and How to Stop It.”

Economic Liberties Releases Model Legislation to Eliminate Airlines’ Liability Shield

September 20, 2022 — On the heels of a recent letter from 38 state attorneys general urging Congress to empower them to enforce consumer protections for airline travelers, the American Economic Liberties Project today released a new piece of model legislation, How to Address the Air Travel Crisis: Eliminating the Airlines’ Legal Liability Shield,

California AG Suit Targets Amazon’s Retail Scam

September 13, 2022 — In response to a new suit against Amazon filed by California Attorney General Rob Bonta accusing the retail giant of inflating its prices by signing restrictive deals with third party sellers, the American Economic Liberties Project issued a statement.