For press requests, please contact Jimmy Wyderko at or 301-221-7778.

Research Report Shows Negative Impact of Big Tech on Minority-Owned Media

February 1, 2022 – The American Economic Liberties Project, MediaJustice and the News Media Alliance jointly published a new report, “Minority-Owned Media and the Digital Duopoly,” which examines the history of minority-owned media and the impact of the ascendance of big tech platforms, such as Facebook and Google, on minority-owned outlets and those targeting underrepresented communities. 

TX Communities Deserve Transparency About Corporate Deals

January 31, 2022 — The American Economic Liberties Project released a statement in response to the Texas Comptroller abandoning a proposal to eliminate transparency rules for Chapter 313, one of Texas' main corporate subsidy programs.

Chamber of Commerce’s Efforts to Bully Antitrust Enforcers Won’t Work

January 26, 2022 — The American Economic Liberties Project released a statement in response to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s threat to sue the FTC in mid-March.

FTC’s Suit to Block Lockheed-Aerojet Rocketdyne Merger is a Critical Move to Protect American Defense Industrial Base & Taxpayers

January 25, 2022 — The American Economic Liberties Project released a statement in response to the Federal Trade Commission’s lawsuit to block Lockheed Martin Corporation’s $4.4 billion vertical acquisition of Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings.

Economic Liberties Testifies Against Michigan Corporate Tax Handout

January 25, 2022 — The American Economic Liberties Project testified before the Michigan House Commerce and Tourism Committee today against HB 5425/5426, which would create a new corporate tax incentive program under which the taxes employees pay would be diverted back to their employers.