Lee Hepner is a California-based antitrust lawyer and Senior Legal Counsel for the American Economic Liberties Project. He started his career in civil litigation, representing plaintiffs in labor and First Amendment litigation. For the last decade, he has worked in and out of government on policies that address corporate power at the local, state and federal level.
You can reach Lee at lhepner@economicliberties.us.
Latest Publications

Amicus Brief: U.S. v. United States Sugar Corporation, et. al
November 8, 2022 — The American Economic Liberties Project filed an amicus brief in support of the U.S. Department of Justice’s appeal of the district court decision to allow U.S. Sugar Corporations’ $350 million acquisition of rival Imperial Sugar Company. The brief argues that that the acquisition cannot be sustained under the incipiency standard created by Section 7 of the Clayton Act, in both the regional and national markets proposed by the parties.

Tools for Reforming Antitrust Policy: A Guide for State Lawmakers to Challenge Corporate Power
September 13, 2022 — “Reforming Antitrust Policy to Challenge Corporate Power: A Guide for State Lawmakers" lays out several ways for state governments and enforcers to decentralize economic power and redistribute that power to communities and create an inclusive, robust democracy.