Axios: Biden to nominate Lina Khan as FTC commissioner

March 22, 2021 Media

President Biden will nominate antitrust expert Lina Khan to be a commissioner on the Federal Trade Commission, the White House said Monday.

Why it matters: The nomination of Khan, prominent for her work on how to apply antitrust laws to the tech industry, signals the Biden administration wants aggressive oversight of the sector.

Background: Khan served as key adviser in the House Judiciary Committee’s antitrust investigation of Big Tech firms, and previously worked for former Democratic FTC Commissioner Rohit Chopra.

  • She’s an associate professor of law at Columbia Law School, where she teaches antitrust.

What they’re saying: “Professor Khan is recognized internationally for her groundbreaking legal scholarship, her ability to work across the aisle, and her extensive policy expertise,” Sarah Miller, executive director of the American Economic Liberties Project said in a statement. “At the FTC, Professor Khan will be critical for guiding the agency out of decades of severe institutional failure.”