CBS News: Biden names leading critic of Big Tech as FTC head, signaling aggressive approach toward tech giants

June 16, 2021 Media

President Joe Biden on Tuesday installed an energetic critic of Big Tech as a top federal regulator at a time when the industry is under intense pressure from Congress, regulators and state attorneys general.

The selection of legal scholar Lina Khan to head the Federal Trade Commission is seen as signaling a tough stance toward tech giants Facebook, Google, Amazon and Apple. Khan was sworn in as FTC chair just hours after the Senate confirmed her as one of five members of the commission on a 69-28 vote.

Matt Stoller, of the American Economic Liberties Project, noted in a tweet that, “With Lina Khan’s confirmation, there will be an anti-monopoly majority at the Federal Trade Commission for the first time in a generation.”

Sarah Miller, the group’s executive director, tweeted that Khan’s presence on the FTC marks the beginning of the end of an era of lawlessness for powerful corporations that they’ve enjoyed at the expense of workers, smaller businesses and democracy.”