MarketWatch: House members assail Big Tech (again), consider changes to antitrust law

February 25, 2021 Media

Big Tech was in a familiar yet uncomfortable role Thursday: Another tongue-lashing from Congressional members alarmed by its outsize market power.

The House Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial, and Administrative Law held the first in a planned series of hearings to “consider legislative proposals to address the rise and abuse of market power online and to modernize the antitrust laws.”

Structural separation is the “only way” to properly resolve the growing sway of Big Tech, according to another witness, Morgan Harper, a senior adviser to the American Economic Liberties Project.

The timing of the hearings is ironic, some business experts suggest, at a point in history when the federal government and major progenitors of data should be working together to help vaccinate millions of Americans during a pandemic.