Morning Consult: Antitrust Report ‘Just the Beginning’: Proposed Tech Reforms Now Face Uphill Battle in Congress

October 7, 2020 Media

Following the release of the House antitrust subcommittee’s blockbuster 450-page report calling for robust antitrust law reforms to take on Big Tech’s dominance, lawmakers and stakeholders across the aisle are painting an optimistic-yet-fuzzy picture for how and when the legislative proposals laid out could take shape.

In interviews following the release of the report, congressional aides and antitrust experts with past experience on Capitol Hill and in the Obama administration’s Treasury Department and White House pointed to myriad factors that could change the prospects for legislative reforms, such as the outcome of the November presidential elections; bipartisan support for some suggested reforms; and the makeup of congressional priorities heading into a new session next year as the pandemic continues.

Counsel for the antitrust subcommittee told reporters that the report is “just the beginning of the process,” adding that the investigation’s staff sees its work as a blueprint for antitrust reform moving forward and a floor for any future legislative discussions.

“Obviously, we want these recommendations to be put into legislative form and embraced and pushed for, and we will see how far we can get in the next year given how radically quickly a lot of this has moved forward,” said Sarah Miller, executive director of the American Economic Liberties Project and a former Treasury policy adviser in the Obama administration.