Reuters: Amazon’s new union battle: Teamsters go local to snarl expansion

September 1, 2021 Media

SAN FRANCISCO, Sept 1 (Reuters) – In June, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, one of the nation’s largest and most influential unions, vowed to make organizing the Inc (AMZN.O) workforce a top priority.

Two months later, details of the Teamsters’ ground game are starting to take shape, Reuters has learned from interviews with local union leaders. While organizing workers is the ultimate aim, the short-term strategy is one of disruption.

Over the past year, the Teamsters have raised concerns about Amazon at local government meetings in at least 10 communities, leading to the scrapping of projects and the rejection of a tax break, as well as resolutions calling on the company to meet local labor standards, according to a Reuters tally.

With its vast, high-churn workforce, Amazon is viewed as one of organized labor’s toughest targets, and nixing a proposed warehouse is a far cry from organizing a workforce. The United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, for example, have fought Walmart Inc’s (WMT.N) expansion for years using similar tactics, but have yet to bring U.S. workers into the fold.

Still, local forums such as town halls and planning commission meetings are a good place to start, said Pat Garofalo, director of state and local policy at the American Economic Liberties Project, a nonprofit.

“You have to reduce (Amazon’s) ability to get their way at the same time as you are building up workers’ ability to make demands,” he said.