Reuters: Scathing congressional report suggests big trouble for Big Tech if Biden wins

October 7, 2020 Media

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A scathing report detailing abuses of market power by four top technology companies suggests a tough road ahead of new rules and stricter enforcement for Big Tech should Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden win the White House.

Antitrust experts and congressional aides said the 449-page report from the antitrust panel of the House Judiciary Committee, released on Tuesday, lays out a road map for the Democratic Party to put the brakes on the dominance of Alphabet Inc’s Google, Apple Inc, Inc and Facebook Inc.

With the Nov. 3 election approaching fast and a new Congress scheduled to be sworn in in January, action on the report’s recommendations this year is unlikely and no new legislative changes are imminent. However, the findings boost the chances for new laws in the future and will inform existing investigations against large technology companies by state attorneys general and agencies such as the Federal Trade Commission.

Sarah Miller, executive director of the American Economic Liberties Project, a Washington-based group focused on monopoly power, said the report “lays out the Democratic Party’s position on tech platforms and how antitrust laws need to be refined and strengthened.”

“The report has done a lot of work to set up where and why a Biden administration should act and how it should prioritize the recommendations in the report,” she added. Miller is one of hundreds of members of the Biden campaign’s tech policy committee.