The Hill: Facebook antitrust victory poses big test for new FTC chief

June 30, 2021 Media

A federal judge’s dismissal of the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) antitrust lawsuit against Facebook is posing the first big test for President Biden’s new FTC chair, Lina Khan.

But the renowned Big Tech critic faces a serious time crunch, with less than 30 days to try and shift the momentum through a revamped lawsuit.

The stakes are high for the 32-year-old antitrust scholar who was confirmed by the Senate earlier this month in a 69-28 vote, gaining the support of both conservatives and progressives.

Those same lawmakers, along with advocacy groups and small businesses, are hoping she can deliver a win while enforcing the antitrust laws she’s been pushing to reform.

Anti-monopoly group Economic Liberties Project hailed Khan for her expertise fighting Big Tech, and she’s in a strong position to take on Facebook now, and other tech companies down the road.

“It’s really hard to imagine anyone who is more qualified to use the authorities at the Federal Trade Commission to Big Tech including Facebook, and bring more competition to the market,” said Morgan Harper, director of policy and advocacy at the Economic Liberties Project.