The Information: Progressive Groups Push for Urgency in DOJ Antitrust Hiring

January 27, 2022 Media

A group of progressive advocacy organizations wrote a letter Thursday to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland urging him to quickly fill a number of open roles at the Justice Department’s antitrust division. The open positions include a number of key deputy and advisory roles supporting DOJ antitrust head Jonathan Kanter.

The letter follows reporting from The Information about hiring delays stemming from ideological divisions within the democratic party, and heightened concerns about diversity. Led by the Revolving Door Project, which scrutinizes government employees for conflicts of interest, the letter states the DOJ “has not acted with urgency to address the shortfalls.” Biden has prioritized aggressive antitrust enforcement as a means to lower prices, create jobs and help small businesses, but “Without a fully-staffed leadership team, the Antitrust division will struggle to effectively realize President Biden’s competition agenda,” according to the letter, which was shared with The Information.

Just last week Kanter laid out an aggressive vision for his tenure, telling a legal conference that most merger settlements are ineffective, and the best way to combat an anticompetitive deal is block it outright. In the same speech however Kanter highlighted a “historic” shortage in resources.