Washington Post: The Technology 202: Biden has stacked federal antitrust watchdogs with Big Tech critics

July 21, 2021 Media

The tech industry’s relationship with the Democratic Party has been deteriorating for years. President Biden’s decisions to stack key regulatory agencies with tech foes signal the party is ready to back up its criticism of Silicon Valley with action.

President Biden plans to tap Jonathan Kanter, a lawyer who has long opposed the biggest tech companies, as assistant attorney general for antitrust, as my colleague Tyler Pager and I reported yesterday.

The Biden administration for months has been building an increasingly aggressive posture toward Big Tech. First, it announced that Tim Wu, a major critic of the tech industry’s power, would serve on the National Economic Council. Then, Lina Khan, one of the most prominent challengers of Amazon, was named to helm the Federal Trade Commission. (Amazon founder Jeff Bezos owns The Washington Post.)

Advocates for greater antitrust enforcement are celebrating the moves. Sarah Miller, the executive director of the American Economic Liberties Project, said choosing Kanter is “further evidence that President Biden is committed to addressing concentrated power to build an economy that is more just, equitable, and secure.”