What You Need to Know About the CARES Act Bailouts
April 15, 2020 - Economic Liberties published a CARES Act explainer, where we answered questions about the bailout provisions of the CARES Act as carried out by the Fed and offered strategic guidance on future advocacy efforts.
Addressing Facebook and Google’s Harms Through a Regulated Competition Approach
April 10, 2020 - Economic Liberties latest Working Paper in a series on corporate power, "How to Address Facebook and Google’s Harm Through a Regulated Competition Approach." The paper explains the policy choices that allowed Facebook and Google to develop a business model toxic to democracy and civil rights, and explains how a “regulated competition” approach is necessary to rein in these technology giants.
Jacobin: Our Economic Model Is Making Us More Vulnerable to Coronavirus
March 5, 2020 — Economic Liberties’ Matt Stoller and Zephyr Teachout discussed how the Chicago School’s hands-off antitrust ideology weakened our economy and left us vulnerable as COVID-19 swept the nation for Jacobin.
Monopolies and Shortages
March 3, 2020 - Economic Liberties' Matt Stoller gave a speech to the Congressional Progressive Caucus regarding the coronavirus and how monopoly power relates to shortages and supply chain fragility.
American Affairs: The War Within Corporate America
March 1, 2020—Economic Liberties’ Research Director Matt Stoller described the growing support for stronger antitrust laws among business leaders in American Affairs.