Fact Sheet: Why Big Tech Has an Interest in Shuttering the CFPB


February18, 2025 — Following the Trump Administration's de-facto shut down of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, this Economic Liberties fact sheet explains how Big Tech firms stand to benefit from the lack of an effective consumer watchdog.

Capital One-Discover: A Competition Policy and Regulatory Deep Dive


March 20, 2024 — This transaction analysis looks into the market dynamics at play in the Capital One-Discover merger and examines how the proposed acquisition may fare under review from antitrust enforcement and bank regulatory agencies.

Closing the Late Fee Loophole: How the CFPB Is Combating Credit Card Junk Fees


December 20, 2023 — As consensus builds to eliminate unfair and anti-competitive “junk fees” across the economy, credit card issuers have continued to extract billions in revenue from their customers in late fees, aided by a decade-old regulatory “safe harbor” loophole. However, a new CFPB rule aims to drastically reduce credit card late fees, make paying down credit card debt easier, and save Americans $9 billion yearly.

Myth vs. Fact: The Credit Card Competition Act (CCCA) of 2023


September 14, 2023 — This brief is about the Credit Card Competition Act, legislation that would mitigate a private sales tax of 2-4% levied through the credit card system on virtually every business, big and small.

The War on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: CFPB v. Community Financial Services of America


August 31, 2023 — This policy brief from the American Economic Liberties Project and Democracy Forward sets the record straight on the stakes of the upcoming Supreme Court case, CFSA v CFPB.