Marker: The Death of the $15 Salad

Independent Business & EntrepreneurshipTech

November 10, 2020— In an op-ed for Marker, Economic Liberties’ Senior Fellow Moe Tkacik explained how fast-food chains controlled by big tech companies have solidified their market dominance at the expense of independent restaurants.

New York Daily News: The devious COVID-19 liability push: Mitch McConnell’s push for coronavirus immunity would shield big businesses that hurt their workers  

Independent Business & Entrepreneurship

May 24, 2020 - Economic Liberties’ Director of Entrepreneurship and Independent Business Courtney Cardin explained why Mitch McConnell’s attempt to give big corporations a free pass for exposing workers and consumers is so dangerous in the New York Daily News.

The American Prospect: Remote Control

Independent Business & Entrepreneurship

March 26, 2020 - Economic Liberties' Matt Stoller published an article in the American Prospect about a civil rights lawsuit that helped expose how Comcast grew from a small local company to a monopoly that crushes media diversity.

The Impact of Coronavirus on America’s Small Businesses

COVID-19 EconomyIndependent Business & Entrepreneurship

March 10, 2020 - Economic Liberties' Matt Stoller submitted a statement to the United States House of Representatives Committee on Small Business about the coronavirus and the survival of small businesses.