Big Tech Guide for State Lawmakers: Stop Subsidizing Big Tech’s Expansion

State and Local PolicyTech

November 9, 2021 — "Stop Subsidizing Big Tech’s Expansion" is part three of "Tools for Taking on Big Tech’s Economic Power: A Guide for State Lawmakers."

Big Tech Guide for State Lawmakers: Adopt Common Carrier Rules to Stop Big Tech’s Self-Preferencing

State and Local PolicyTech

November 9, 2021 — "Adopt Common Carrier Rules to Stop Big Tech’s Self-Preferencing" is part two of "Tools for Taking on Big Tech’s Economic Power: A Guide for State Lawmakers."

Big Tech Guide for State Lawmakers: Regulate App Store Dominance to Help Small and Mid-Sized Businesses

State and Local PolicyTech

November 9, 2021 — "Regulate App Store Dominance to Help Small and Mid-Sized Businesses" is part one of "Tools for Taking on Big Tech’s Economic Power: A Guide for State Lawmakers."

New York Times: How Amazon, Google and Other Companies Exploit NDAs

State and Local Policy

June 29, 2021 — In an exclusive for the New York Times, Director of State & Local Policy Pat Garofalo illustrates why states and cities should bar elected officials and other economic development officials from signing nondisclosure agreements with corporations.

None of Our Business? How Corporate Power Corrupts Local Economies and Democracies

State and Local Policy

June 29, 2021 — "None of Our Business" details how corporations and local elected leaders collude to hide pro-corporate practices and policies from the public, and what local officials and voters can do to bring more accountability to their local government.