What You Need to Know About the Interstate Compact Against Corporate Tax Giveaways

State and Local Policy

April 26, 2021 — “What You Need to Know About the Interstate Compact Against Corporate Tax Giveaways" explains how a recent interstate compact among 13 states could help end the use of corporate tax incentives that extract wealth from local communities.

Bloomberg Tax: New York’s Opportunity Zone Decoupling Spurs Cheers and Fears

State and Local Policy

April 8, 2021—In Bloomberg Tax, Economic Liberties’ State and Local Policy Director Pat Garofalo praised New York’s efforts to end opportunity zone tax breaks.

New York Times: States Are Right to Rebel Against Big Tech

Anti-Monopoly Policies & EnforcementState and Local PolicyTech

March 18, 2021— In an exclusive essay for The New York Times, Economic Liberties’ Matt Stoller and Pat Garofalo argued in favor of state antitrust bills that would dismantle Apple and Google’s monopoly over the distribution of smartphone apps.

Public Seminar: A Better Way to Do Corporate Giveaways

State and Local PolicyTech

March 8, 2021 — Writing for Public Seminar, Economic Liberties’ State and Local Policy Director Pat Garofalo outlined why states should abandon corporate tax breaks for big corporations like Amazon.

Minnesota Reformer: Minnesota must curb anti-competitive tactics if it wants to be an innovation center

State and Local PolicyTech

March 3, 2021 — Writing for the Minnesota Reformer, Economic Liberties’ State and Local Policy Director Pat Garofalo and Justin Stofferahn detailed why new legislation to curb Big Tech’s anti-competitive tactics in Minnesota is essential to breaking the power of monopolists.