Tools for Reforming Antitrust Policy: Introduction
September 13, 2022 — Introduction section of "Tools for Reforming Antitrust Policy: A Guide for State Lawmakers to Challenge Corporate Power." Upstate-Crouse merger needs more scrutiny, not less | Opinion
August 31, 2022 — In an op-ed for, Economic Liberties' Director of State & Local Policy Pat Garofalo discusses the latest hospital merger moving through Syracuse and makes the case for why "New York regulators and lawmakers should not only reject this deal, but repeal the underlying legislation that could make it so damaging."
Star-Ledger: Camden group hopes to expose the truth about corporate subsidies | Opinion
July 29, 2022 — In NJ Star-Ledger, Economic Liberties' Director of State & Local Policy Pat Garofalo details how a New Jersey town fought back against a harmful corporate subsidy agreement.
Ban Secret Deals: How Secret Corporate Subsidy Deals Harm Communities, and What to Do About It
July 28, 2022 — A joint report from the American Economic Liberties Project and Fight Corporate Monopolies, "Ban Secret Deals: How Secret Corporate Subsidy Deals Harm Communities, and What to Do About It," details the harmful nature of secretive “economic development” deals and provides local communities with tools to combat them.
Why the 21st Century Antitrust Act is Critical for New York Workers
May 10, 2022 — The New Yorkers for a Fair Economy coalition released a report that reveals a striking correlation between declining wages within the warehouse and delivery industry and the growth of Amazon’s dominance in New York State.