Tools for Reforming Antitrust Policy: A Guide for State Lawmakers to Challenge Corporate Power
September 13, 2022
State and Local Policy
Create an Abuse of Dominance Standard for Violation of State Antitrust Laws

Create an Abuse of Dominance Standard for Violation of State Antitrust Laws
Crack Down on Illegal Price Fixing with Pleading Standards that Place the Burden of Proof on Large Corporations

Crack Down on Illegal Price Fixing with Pleading Standards that Place the Burden of Proof on Large Corporations
Provide for Indirect Purchaser Standing so that Actual End-Point Consumers can Seek Relief in Court

Provide for Indirect Purchaser Standing so that Actual End-Point Consumers can Seek Relief in Court
Rein in Monopsony Power to Protect Workers' Wages and Working Conditions

Rein in Monopsony Power to Protect Workers' Wages and Working Conditions
Reinvigorate State Enforcement of Mergers with Premerger Notification, Enhanced Remedies, and Increased Funding for Antitrust Enforcement