For press requests, please contact Jimmy Wyderko at or 301-221-7778.

FTC Vote to Resurrect Robinson-Patman Will Help Lower Cost of Drugs & Insulin

June 16, 2022 — The American Economic Liberties Project released a statement in response to a unanimous vote from the Federal Trade Commission on a policy statement to resurrect the use of an old law against corporate bribery, and to use this law to take on the insulin cartel.

Global Sport Matters: More Bang for a Billion Bucks: Can Nashville Make a Better Sports Stadium Deal?

June 15, 2022 — Economic Liberties’ Director of State & Local Policy Pat Garofalo explained to Global Sport Matters why using taxpayer money to create a new stadium for the Tennessee Titans is a sham and will not benefit the community.

Vox: Apple and Google are coming for your car

June 14, 2022 — Economic Liberties’ Senior Policy Analyst Krista Brown spoke with Vox about Big Tech firms’ move into nascent industries and why it’s all a ploy to acquire more of consumers’ data.

Economic Liberties Pushes Surface Transportation Board to Block Railroad Merger Between Canadian Pacific and Kansas City Southern

June 10, 2022 — The American Economic Liberties Project submitted a letter to the Surface Transportation Board regarding the proposed merger between two Class I railroads, Canadian Pacific and Kansas City Southern.