For press requests, please contact Jimmy Wyderko at or 301-221-7778.

Economic Liberties’ Statement on President Biden’s Nomination of Jonathan Kanter to Lead DOJ Antitrust

July 20, 2021 — The American Economic Liberties Project released a statement in response to President Biden’s announcement that he will nominate Jonathan Kanter to be the Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust at the U.S. Department of Justice.

WSJ: Biden to Nominate Jonathan Kanter as Chief of Justice Department’s Antitrust Division

July 20, 2021 — In their coverage of President Biden’s nomination of Jonathan Kanter’s to lead the Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division, The Wall Street Journal noted exemplary comments from Kanter at one of Economic Liberties’ events in Fall 2020.

Bloomberg: Biden Names Tech Foe Jonathan Kanter as DOJ Antitrust Chief

July 20, 2021 — Economic Liberties’ Executive Director Sarah Miller spoke to Bloomberg about President Biden’s decision to appoint Jonathan Kanter to lead the DOJ’s Antitrust Division and Kanter’s impressive legal background.

The Intercept Deconstructed: Antitrust Makes A Comeback

July 16, 2021 — Economic Liberties Steering Committee Member Zephyr Teachout joined The Intercept’s Deconstructed podcast to discuss the return of antitrust under President Biden.

Vox: America’s monopoly problem stretches far beyond Big Tech

July 15, 2021 — Economic Liberties’ Executive Director Sarah Miller discussed President Biden’s recent Executive Order with Vox, explaining that it is a clear signal that competition policy is a major part of the White House’s political agenda.