DOJ and FTC Announcement Launches Transformational Effort to Restore Antimonopoly Merger Guidelines
January 18, 2022 — The American Economic Liberties Project applauded the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Assistant Attorney General for the Antitrust Division Jonathan Kanter’s and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Chair Lina Khan’s joint announcement launching the creation of new federal merger review guidelines.
Intelligence Squared: The Sunday Debate: It’s Time to Break Up Facebook
January 16, 2022 — On Intelligence Squared, Economic Liberties’ Research Director Matt Stoller makes the case for breaking up Facebook.
Marketplace: The government achieves a breakthrough in its case against Meta
January 14, 2022 — On an episode of Marketplace, Economic Liberties’ Research Director Matt Stoller breaks down the FTC's amended complaint against Facebook and talks through the latest developments in the case.
Vox: The true cost of Amazon’s low prices
January 13, 2022 — Economic Liberties' Executive Director Sarah Miller talked with Vox about the harms that Amazon’s monopoly power poses to third-party sellers, consumers, and the entire economy.
The Economist: Money Talks: The bossy state
January 12, 2022 — Economic Liberties' Executive Director Sarah Miller joined The Economist's Money Talks podcast to discuss the fight against corporate power and the transformational moment the antimonopoly movement is undergoing.