Protocol: Why tech foes are psyched the UK told Meta to sell Giphy
December 1, 2021 — Economic Liberties’ Communications Director Robyn Shapiro explained to Protocol why the U.K.’s Competition Authority is right to unwind Facebook’s acquisition of Giphy.
New York Times The Argument: Could Breaking Up Meta Make Things Worse?
December 1, 2021 — In an episode of The New York Times’ The Argument, Economic Liberties’ Executive Director Sarah Miller makes the case for breaking up Facebook.
Economic Liberties Applauds Changes to FTC’s Strategic Plan for 2022-2026
December 1, 2021 — The American Economic Liberties Project submitted comments in response to the Federal Trade Commission’s Draft Strategic Plan for 2022-2026 on Tuesday, offering praise for specific changes that demonstrate the agency is serious about stopping corporate crime and righting the commission’s previous wrongs.
Economic Liberties’ Statement on FTC’s Vote to Study Supply Chain Disruptions
November 29, 2021 — The American Economic Liberties Project released a statement in response to the Federal Trade Commission’s vote to conduct a study on how consumers are affected by supply chain disruptions.
The New Yorker: Lina Khan’s Battle to Rein in Big Tech
November 29, 2021 — Economic Liberties’ Research Director Matt Stoller discussed Lina Khan’s "earth-shattering" ascent to power in a profile for The New Yorker.