For press requests, please contact Jimmy Wyderko at or 301-221-7778.

Economist: What more should antitrust be doing?

August 8, 2020 — The Economist cited Economic Liberties’ Research Director Matt Stoller, along with Lina Khan, as the primary thought leaders articulating a new way forward for antitrust.

LA Review of Books: Maximum Profits and Maximum Power: Talking to Zephyr Teachout

August 7, 2020—Economic Liberties’ Steering Committee Member Zephyr Teachout discussed the way she tracks corporate monopoly threats on bedrock civic institutions like public courts, political parties, investigative journalism, and “free” consumer and labor markets.

Facebook’s Monopoly Made TikTok Possible 

Washington, D.C. — The American Economic Liberties Project released this statement after President Trump issued an executive order banning TikTok from operating in the United States in 45 days if it is not sold by its Chinese parent company.

The Intercept: Covid Strengthens Ruling Class Grip on the U.S. – System Update with Lee Fang

August 6, 2020— Economic Liberties’ Executive Director Sarah Miller joined the Intercept’s popular podcast to discuss the significance of the big tech investigations and the urgent need to curb monopoly power.

Economic Liberties Releases Anti-Monopoly Agenda

Washington, D.C. — Economic Liberties released their “Ledger of Harms", a detailed compilation of research showing the range of ways concentrated corporate power harms families and society and an agenda for breaking this dangerous power.