For press requests, please contact Jimmy Wyderko at or 301-221-7778.

Politico: Why Amazon may have the most to lose from tech’s Hill showdown

July 29, 2020 — Economic Liberties’ Matt Stoller spoke with Politico about Jeff Bezos’ upcoming testimony before the Antitrust Subcommittee and Economic Liberties’ new report that demystifies Amazon’s toxic business model.

NBC News: Congress prepares to grill CEOs of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google

July 28, 2020 — Economic Liberties’ Executive Director Sarah Miller and Zephyr Teachout talked to NBC News about the big tech hearing and growing recognition of the ways powerful, private corporations distort the economy and American political system.

The Hill: Top tech CEOs brace for House grilling

July 28, 2020 — Economic Liberties’ Matt Stoller spoke with The Hill about the ongoing investigation into big tech, and why the hearing should focus on the companies’ business models.

Economic Liberties Releases Big Tech Abuse & Merger Trackers

Washington, D.C. —Economic Liberties released a Big Tech Abuse Tracker and Big Tech Merger Tracker, documenting Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google's recent abuses and the mergers they use to grow their market power.

MarketWatch: Congress has a million-plus documents from Big Tech antitrust investigation, and are ready to grill big-name CEOs

July 27, 2020 — Economic Liberties’ Matt Stoller spoke to MarketWatch about the ongoing investigation into big tech, what Congress is trying to learn, and why the historic hearing provides a new opportunity to take on the giants.