Economic Liberties Releases New Report on Amazon’s Destructive Monopoly, Offers Solutions to Curb Its Harms
Washington, D.C. —Economic Liberties released “Understanding Amazon: Making the 21st-Century Gatekeeper Safe for Democracy," a report that describes Amazon’s key lines of businesses, demystifies its unfair and abusive behavior, summarizes some of its most pernicious effects, and offers legislative and regulatory proposals to address Amazon’s interlocking harms.
30+ Groups Urge Congress to Expand Coronavirus Relief for People, Not Corporations
Washington, D.C. — Economic Liberties and progressive partners sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, urging them to incorporate the Paycheck Recovery Act and the Pandemic Anti-Monopoly Act in the next COVID-19 relief package.
Federal Reserve Must Block Morgan Stanley-E*Trade Merger
Washington, D.C. — Economic Liberties and progressive partners sent a letter to Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell encouraging him to reject Morgan Stanley’s proposed acquisition of E*Trade Financial Corporation for reasons related to financial stability, competition, and general compliance failures.
Seven Groups Urge Chairman Neal to End Surprise Medical Billing
Washington, D.C. — As thousands of Americans find themselves facing COVID-19-related hospital bills, Economic Liberties and progressive partners sent a letter to Congressman Richard Neal (D-MA) urging him to address the injustice of surprise medical billing.
Politico: Inside the power struggle over the high-stakes hearing with top tech CEOs
July 20, 2020 — Economic Liberties’ Executive Director Sarah Miller spoke to Politico about how the Antitrust Subcommittee could best get answers from Jeff Bezos, Tim Cook, Sundar Pichai, and Mark Zucerkberg.