For press requests, please contact Jimmy Wyderko at or 301-221-7778.

FTC Holds Amazon Accountable for “Project Iliad”

June 21, 2023 — The Federal Trade Commission today filed suit targeting Amazon’s “Project Iliad,” a plan by Amazon executives to impose illegal hurdles to prevent consumers from cancelling Amazon Prime subscriptions. In response, the American Economic Liberties Project released the following statement.

New York’s Noncompete Ban is a Win for Workers, Honest Businesses and Entrepreneurs

June 20, 2023 — The American Economic Liberties Project released the following statement after the New York State Assembly voted to pass A1278B, a ban on noncompete agreements.

Politico Morning Money: A big week for big banks

June 20, 2023 — Economic Liberties' and Americans for Financial Reform's letter warning Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Acting Comptroller of the Currency Michael Hsu of the dangers of further banking consolidation was covered in Politico's Morning Money.

Regulators and Enforcers Must Rein in Bank Consolidation, New Report and Coalition Argue

June 20, 2023 — Ahead of remarks from Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust Jonathan Kanter this morning on banking mergers, the American Economic Liberties Project today released a new report: "Revitalizing Bank Merger Enforcement To Restore Competition and Fairness in Banking.” Shedding light on the alarming consequences of bank consolidation in the United States, the report urges policymakers to strengthen bank merger controls and step up merger enforcement. Alongside the report, a coalition of 17 groups, including Americans for Financial Reform and the AFL-CIO, wrote to the major banking regulators, urging them to use their powers to fight bank consolidation.