Sally Hubbard

Sally Hubbard served as a Biden appointee to the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice, as Senior Counsel to AAG Jonathan Kanter. In that role, Sally represented DOJ in international trade negotiations. She also launched the Division’s horizon scanning project, which studied evolving sectors of the economy and identified proactive measures to promote competition and prevent monopolization, aiming to stave off harms before they happen. Sally is the author of Monopolies Suck: 7 Ways Big Corporations Rule Your Life and How to Take Back Control, published by Simon and Schuster.

Sally previously acted as Director of Enforcement Strategy at the Open Markets Institute. She has testified before the U.S. Senate, the House of Representatives, and the Federal Trade Commission. She was an Assistant Attorney General in the Antitrust Bureau of the Office of the New York State Attorney General under three administrations. She has written and appeared in a wide range of news media, with featured appearances available at