Sarah Miller

Sarah Miller was the Executive Director of the American Economic Liberties Project from February 2020 through early March 2023 and currently serves as a member of its Board of Directors. Since March 2023, Sarah Miller worked as Senior Advisor to the Chair and Chief of Staff at the Federal Trade Commission under Chair Lina Khan. Recognized by The New York Times as being “central to making the issue [of antitrust] prominent” and “a thorn in Silicon Valley’s side,” she leads the organization’s mission and strategy to advance a policy agenda to broadly distribute economic power and address systemic corporate concentration. Since launching in 2020, Economic Liberties has quickly become a hub for anti-monopoly expertise and advocacy, and has anchored new action-oriented programs focused on protecting states and communities, national security, and entrepreneurs and smaller businesses from corporate power. Sarah has been profiled in The New York Times and The Washingtonian, published articles in Democracy Journal, Buzzfeed, and The Guardian, and is regularly quoted in national media.

Sarah is also a regular advisor to policymakers, serving on President Joe Biden’s transition team and, prior to launching Economic Liberties, as the Deputy Director of the Open Markets Institute. During the Obama administration, she worked as an advisor to the leadership of the Treasury Department and the Center for American Progress, and helped launch and lead the Washington Center for Equitable Growth. In addition to her government service and non-profit work, Sarah has served in senior leadership roles on national political campaigns, first as Deputy Economic Policy Director for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 bid and later as Policy Director for Martin O’Malley’s primary run.

Sarah graduated from the University of Chicago with honors and originally hails from Muskogee, Oklahoma.

You can reach Sarah at

Latest Publications

Democracy Journal: Fantastic Speech. Now—Make It Stick

Anti-Monopoly Policies & Enforcement

February 10, 2023 — In Democracy Journal, Economic Liberties’ Executive Director Sarah Miller reflects on President Biden’s SOTU message, outlines how the President can deliver the populist policy agenda he laid out in his address, and walks through why it's smart politics.

The New Republic: Democrats Need to Call Out the Corporations That Stalled Build Back Better

Independent Business & Entrepreneurship

April 11, 2022 — In an essay for The New Republic, Economic Liberties’ Executive Director Sarah Miller details why President Biden must embrace a sustained battle against corporate power and rally his party around a working-class and small business agenda.

To Save Jobs and Slow Inequality, Stop the Merger Frenzy

Anti-Monopoly Policies & Enforcement

January 11, 2021 — "Stop the Merger Frenzy" breaks down the economic consequences of some of the biggest mergers in 2021 and outlines solutions for policymakers to address this corporate consolidation.

Washington Post: Corporate mergers hurt workers — and drag down the job market


October 21, 2021 — For the Washington Post, Economic Liberties’ Executive Director Sarah Miller lays out the disastrous affects mergers have on workers — and the broader economy.

The Courage to Learn: A Retrospective on Antitrust and Competition Policy During the Obama Administration and Framework for a New Structuralist Approach

Anti-Monopoly Policies & EnforcementCourage to Learn

January 12, 2021 — Economic Liberties’ “The Courage to Learn" lays out a comprehensive antitrust and competition policy agenda for the new Congress and Biden Administration, while making a deeply researched case for breaking from the failed consumer welfare approach.